Collage: Un/Veiled

I created this piece in response to a Call for Submissions from The Academy for Jewish Religion, a pluralistic, non-denominational rabbinical and cantorial school. Given the current political climate and the rise of Antisemitism, Dr. Ora Horn Prouser, the school’s CEO and academic dean, along with her colleague Rabbi Menachem Creditor, felt the need to publish supplemental resources regarding the Jewish holiday of Purim. Traditionally Purim is celebrated with gaiety, eating, drinking and festive masquerades. But there are deeper, darker layers to the story. And messages that speak about duplicity, identity, courage, fear, and hate.
Esther is at the story’s core. She emerges from behind a veil of secrecy, obedience and submission to see the hate and the fear that surrounds her. She sees that the challenge is also her opportunity. To step forward. To be seen, heard and save what and who she can with the tools available.
Today, as in Persia so long ago, the space between security and fear is small and fragile. The desire to hide behind masks, to be blind to what is happening around us is tempting. But naive and unproductive.
I am delighted that my piece was selected for the book which is a collection of essays, poetry and art. “An Upside-Down World: Esther and Antisemitism” is available on Amazon and can also be downloaded as a PDF from The Academy for Jewish Religion.
I am also tickled that my work appears in an article about the book in the February 27, 2025 issue of The Jewish Standard newspaper.
Art in response to Call for Submissions for inclusion in the publication “An Upside-Down World: Esther and Antisemitism” (11 x 14, collage of cut paper, lace, and decorative accents on paper)
Academy for Jewish Religion
This was an interesting creative challenge that I really enjoyed. I am thrilled that it was selected for the publication, “An Upside-Down World: Esther and Antisemitism.”